Thursday, October 12, 2006

Alex says: fucking love you. wine is good and so is shit. Happy. I really am fucking ham I mean I really am fucking happy and it's not just the wine.

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Walking like an Igor...

I'm sitting on big squishy sofa, and not some bizarre piece of polystyrene which is what passes for a sofa in Senrab Street. I'm in Cambridge again. I am in love with the house, but that's because my loss of a contact lens means my blurry vision means I can't properly see the grubbiness. I do love it though. I like being in London, I like being on the balcony listening to other peoples' music, conversation and meals waft across. I like sitting on the front step, feeling like a person in a soap opera, people-watching. Lovely as the new house is, it was a little weird being there alone, so I'm back in Cam, which is strange after the relief of leaving it, to finish a painting, practise some Spanish and watch lots of Black Books.
I am walking, well limping, like some kind of evil side-kick - an Igor, because I pulled a muscle in my foot yesterday. I stagger around, in a half crouching position. If I could do an evil laugh, I could scare children I reckon. Nora thinks I could go to Transylvania - I'd definitely get a job as a butler.
Back in London on Friday.

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Sunday, September 10, 2006

P.S. Lizzie - I apologise for being incredibly rude and self wotsit. Welcome, welcome (that sounded kinda creepy). Anyway, can't wait to meet you, and hope all is fabulous. Am glad to know that you will be enthusiastic in helping me and Anna build our Eddie Izzard shrine. Since you haven't signed a contract, I assume you don't have a key...I'm in the house from tomorrow, so if you want to be let in, let me know.
Also, everyone, Happy Monday's starts on the 18th - imagine the crush, and an E1 indie night on the 21st.
And 25th - meine geburtstag - joyfulness and celebrations the weekend before and after. More information when I come up with it.
Sorry if I sound a little crazed, but I've just spent 4 hours in the front of a van...

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1) Why do all the advert links on here say 'Jesus Saves' etc? And, yes, I do know I've just made that worse by writing it again.
2) Hello everybody. How are things?
3) Right - London, this week. Is anyone in London? Let me know if and when you are, otherwise I might bugger off to Cambridge, although I do really need to sort my life out. Anyway...I'm sure you don't find that very interesting.
4) Saturday. Anna, please say you have bought a ticket - I have, and am excited - it's all afternoon music - hurrah! That's nearly a festival! So, here's what's going to happen (and this can include as many people as are avaliable). Saturday - I drag self out of bed long enough to sip a hot beverage on the balcony, and then get some newspapers from the shop at the end of the road. Anna arrives mid-morning - I'm still wearing slippers. I help her unpack and run around the house in an excitable gormless fashion, making plans. Then we get down to business - have a cuppa tea and think about leaving the house. We make our way to Brick Lane, where we settle ourselves down with drinks, and spend the afternoon getting slowly sloshed and listening to live music. Anyone else coming?

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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Are You Sure?

Are you all sure that you want the new address to be I will seriously consider any late entries, otherwise that's what it's going to be.... I will be buying the new domain at 6pm on Thursday, if I don't here anything by then, then we have a winner!

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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Today we escape

There's nothing to make you feel grateful that today is the last day of summer school working like being the only member of staff to have to get up at 6.30am. It's 7.30 and I've been up for an hour, and I wont conceivably stop much until 5pm. To be fair, a couple of those working hours are re-packing all my possessions (and you know how many of those I have) in order to move them back to my brother's house. I think I'm going to ask the porters for some binbags. But until then, I'm dealing with departures, which are a little emotionally harrowing. Some students have been here for 8 weeks too - longer than lots of teachers, so saying goodbye to them is sad, not aided by the fact the place is over-running with crying students - saying goodbye to summer romances and holiday best friends. Also there's the fact I'm leaving too. The past week has been mind-numbing - less students, less staff, less general motivation equals boredom and insanely itchy feet. But after working with most of the staff here for the summer last year and this year, and due to the nomadic nature of TEFL, there's a distinct possibility that I wont see them ever again, and, bascially, that's generally shitty; they're the reason I came back. There has been preliminarily arranged a birthday celebration for Mark in Cafe 1001 about 16th September, to which you're all invited. If more people knew Mark, going out on a night out with him would be considered something you have to do before you die. All you have to do is sit in a pub with him and watch the descent...Jen, you can learn a lot from this man, and I'm sure you will. I know I'm veering into the dangerous - 'Meet Mark, he's craaaazy!' - territory, so I'll stop and just let you meet him.
Love ya, see you soon - when I travel to the big smoke from the shires. Although actually - I may be in London on Tuesday, if anyone's about.

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Thursday, August 24, 2006


Lucy! I understand that you might be terribly busy, but I’ve waited and waited and still you write no more. I am eager to read more of you story but can’t! Oh and my mum is too! :-)

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Hello, only me....

Just wanted to mention something again that I brought up a while back. I would like some input on a new web address for the grape vine! Can be pretty much any thing you want so go wild! I'm going to be changing to a different server in the not to distant future and during this I’m afraid the GV will be unavailable, shouldn't take longer than 24 hours but I'll let you all know closer to the time!


any way you get the idea...

From Lucy: (already taken!)

From Jen (hmmmm!)

From Matt (already taken)

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